Friday, October 02, 2009

she wore a green beret

(Yes, the Green Berets song would have been more fitting, but I had Prince's Raspberry Beret song stuck in my head the entire time I was making this, so there you go.)


Pattern: Purl Beret, from Purl Soho
Yarn: Koigu KPM in a glorious green (1.16 skeins) in US1 and US3 needles


Ariel gifted me this absolutely gorgeous green Koigu the first time (of many) that I helped her move, knowing that I had been staring at it for months. Seriously, this yarn glows. It's so pretty.


It needed to be seen, so I didn't want to make socks. Then Grumperina started posting about this Koigu beret she was making and, well, that was that. The yarn had found its project. Though I still have most of a skein left to find something to do with.



Anonymous said...

Gorgeous green! And hurrah for autumn berets.

glitterboy1 said...

That's a wonderful colour, and it looks great! Have you had chance to wear it yet? I hope you do soon.

Unknown said...

Looks great! I'm happy to see that the yarn made something awesome. :D