The Yarn Harlot was here in Boston tonight, giving a talk and doing a reading from her new book. My pictures from during the talk aren't good, but I got a great one later on. Knowing that she's a sci-fi fan and a Doctor Who fan, I had to bring along a special guest for the evening--my own knit Doctor Who doll.

Me: "Yes, I knit my own David Tennant."
Stephanie: "That's a great way to get one!"
And now I am all pins and needles, waiting to see the outcome of the Phillies game tonight!
I have to say again how awesome that was!
That's a wonderful photo. And she's right...a very good way to get your own Doctor. :)
(Did you get a copy of her new book?)
I love David but I never thought to knit myself one. Do you have patterns for Johnny Depp also. This opens up a whole new world. knitters are amazing.
Very cute! Is this an existing pattern that you've modified, or will you be selling it, at some point? I have a friend for whom this would be a perfect Christmas present!
That's amazing! David Tennant is my favorite Dr.
Dood-that's awesome. And you're (rightfully) famous now!
I am wicked impressed (and a little jealous)!
Followed the link from the Yarn Harlot to check this out. I must say, you're absolutely brilliant! Knitting a David Tennant is probably the most fantastic thing I've ever heard of! Congrats!
O.M.G. ;;squeeee:: it's Ten! Kudos he looks awesome. Any thoughts of putting up the pattern? If so I'd be the first in line....okay I'm sure there are others ahead of me, but I'll wait ;-)
BTW you rock.
I *love* the David doll. You even have his nose and smile crooked! So awesome!
Very cool!
I'd also be interested in seeing the pattern, if you're willing to share.
Ohhhh, I totally want a knitted Captin Jack Sparrow!!!!!
That is just brilliant.
Well done! If I tried to knit a doll, I'm not sure it would be recognizably human.
Awesome. I love that man! And this version is totally huggable.
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