Thursday, October 11, 2007

I need to do a little venting

I'm incredibly frustrated right now. I've spent the last week and a half attempting to speed knit a shrug to wear for a wedding that I'm going to on Saturday. I've stayed up until all hours. My fingers have gotten extremely cramped.

The good news: it's done.

The bad news: it's too big.

It just looks wrong. I'm currently attempting to implement a few little fixes (I folded in and sewed up the sides so they don't hang like bat wings, I've added a ribbed band to the neck so I can at least tie it so it won't fall off) to make it wearable this weekend but, in general, I'm really not happy.

There really isn't anything I or anyone else can do at this point, but I just needed to vent.


omly said...

Oh no! Well, poop! Good on you to at least be pragmatic about it. I would probably throw a bit of a hissy fit myself, end up ripping it out, and then regret doing so almost immediately.

Amanda said...

Oh no - I'm so sorry. {{Hugs}}

Cassandra said...

i still think that for the weekend you will look good.
and for the future, we can have a 5way brain meld and figure something out.
dont knit that pattern ever again!
a third time is not a charm!

Anonymous said...

In more cheerful news, there's a pair of socks on their way to you. :)

If they need to be adjusted in any way, I'd be happy to do so. Just send them back to me (preferably without washing them to make them easier to frog) with a note about what changes need to be made.

Your Sock Saviour